
Showing posts from November, 2018


MAKE A FRIEND The customer should be ALWAYS the CENTER of the process. Find a common ground and build a relationship. UNIQUE CUSTOMER Make your customer FEEL he is the ONLY ONE you have for the day. Don’t rush. LISTEN Allow your customer to talk. PAY ATTENTION to his/her words and use them to build RAPPORT and to close the deal. STEP BY STEP Work properly all 11 Steps to the Sale. SHORTCUTS are equal NO DEAL. SMILE Be friendly and make your customer feel RELAXED. POTENTIAL CUSTOMER A customer can NEVER be PREJUDGE. You never know who will buy and who will not. NO Sales commonly START with the word NO. STAY CONNECTED Have fully knowledge and understanding of the 11 Steps to the Sale. This will give you confidence and get you ready for each unique situation. ecar sales portal


1. Dress properly (professional appearance) 2. Maintain a positive attitude and be enthusiastic 3. Smile convincingly with eye-to-eye contact 4. No Food, Drink, Smoking, Newspapers in Showroom or Front of Customers. 5. Prospect diligently - "daily" 6. Follow your owners and prospects persistently - "Buy or Die" 7. Log Everyone (an up is an up) 8. Meet & Greet your Customers professionally and promptly (power meet & greet) 9. Find out about "their" needs (sit Customer down) 10. Present your product completely (Steps One through Six) 11. Everyone drives! 12. Know your product and your competitor's product 13. Ask for all the money the first time. Start at list 14. Commitments in writing with tender or title 15. Ask for help (100% T/O) 16. Set-up your Business Manager property (100% T/O) 17. Make a great delivery (Follow R.C.D. Format/Review Survey 18. Know your closing ratio and average commission 19. Minimum acceptable stan...


You will never close all deals but you can always do better. The decision to dismiss a Buyer is solely that of the "Desk'. A management decision only! Many times a new face or additional assistance from the Desk can turn a "be back" into a Buyer.... now!! You must also realize that the dealer has an investment in each person that enters the dealership, whether they are "SOLD" or not. It is the sales associate professional responsibility to at least introduce the "investor" to his/her "investment". With the investment of over $400.00 per opportunity, it's not only a good idea, it's "Good Business."  Also, coaching from the sideline can give you, the sales associate, and added strength since there is a possibility that a new face will smoke out the "real" objection or situation and turn this shopper into a Buyer. ecar sales portal


"We have a policy here in our dealership whereby we believe that most misunderstandings are the lack of understanding, therefore, we want to list exactly what we are obligated to provide you with in the purchase of our product-avoiding any chance of mistakes or misunderstandings.  Also... If there are any questions or objections to the product, or if I have left anything unanswered, or if you have any objections whatsoever, please tell me. Do you have any unanswered questions?" This is a different approach and opening than the Buyer has ever experienced before. This opening smokes out objections early and builds trust and confidence in you. Having made your "OPENING" to the "WRITE-UP" and having the confidence that you can overcome any and all obligations, which you have invited, START YOUR WRITE-UP with this opening: "HOW DO YOU PLAN TO REGISTER YOUR NEW VEHICLE?" This gives you the opening to actually complete the "Preferred Customer ...


Your emotions must be controlled. Calm logic must be your selling base. This is the time and place to recall to your Buyer what has taken place to this point. Your efforts, good or bad, will be a factor in maintaining control of the sale.  NOTE: This is the time to maintain "EYE BALL" contact with your Buyer. Watch for signs and responses to your sales efforts.  "GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF" 1. Complete your selling Steps One through Six 2. All deciders are present. If not, who? And where? 3. Seated and relaxed 4. Trade-in knowledge - Step Four 5. Product benefit knowledge - Step Six 6. State company obligations 7. Preferred Buyer Plan Sheet completed 8. The Buyer has totally accepted the vehicle, in stock - Step Five 9. Visit the sales desk for starting figures are ready to start your closing efforts. Control will be best maintained when you are able to be a "WANT MAKER" in such a manner to make it easy to say, ...


The success of the "PROFESSIONAL EDGE" is based on total CONTROL of the Buyer. Introducing the Buyer to our Dealership's History and Service Department is crucial to ultimate Buyer satisfaction. 1. Walk Buyer to Service Drive 2. Introduce the Service Manager or ASM (This is the fine person who will assist you when service is required.) 3. Walk Buyer to Parts Counter Area. Show the Cashier and Waiting Area 4. Discuss Service Hours 5. Tell about our shuttle bus 6. Show our Service Bays-from the outside of bay doors 7. Explain the New Vehicle Warranty and Service Schedule 8. It is vital to spend as much time as needed on Step Three. Buyers will feel much more confident and self-assured when they know what kind of support system is in place after the sale. Trial closes work well during this step. ecar sales portal


Successful selling is no accident. It requires a plan and self-discipline, in short, a professional plan in each step of a sale. It is your job to create sufficient desire to own your product NOW! Too often buyers are turned into shoppers due to our failure to create that burning desire. PRODUCT-BENEFIT PRESENTATION and SELLING DRIVE are actually two steps, but they are combined them as one to stress the importance of product-benefit selling.  This is where you SHOW and SHARE with the Prospect the BENEFITS. The "SELLING DRIVE" is the proof of those benefits you described in your SAFETY and FEATURE PRESENTATION. This step not only makes your selling a lot easier, but it's one of the secrets to a successful, profitable close. This step has one purpose-consumer acceptance of the vehicle and its price range. CAUTION: Always endeavor to present a lower priced automobile at the start of STEP SIX with as little equipment as possible. Soften the "price sticker" r...


There is no doubt, according to authorities and psychologists, that people will shop or look around (possibly discuss with family) for many months, begin their shopping and when the emotional impulse is put into force and their buying senses are activated, THEY WILL BUY! "Shop for a year, buy in an hour, want their purchase in a minute." CONTROL and OBLIGATE your Buyer by exposing them your inventory. Help kindle the flame of desire and build excitement. CAUTION: Some salespeople try to sell from a stock card or product brochure. Don't feel guilty of this. When this is done, price will come up long before you can CONTROL the Buyer. Doing this does not stir emotion or activate buying senses. GO TO THE INVENTORY, create desire. Work your in-stock vehicles.  Never ask, "Can I show you a car?" Just proceed to your in-stock inventory. Walk, visit, look and listen to your Buyer. Let them continue to get relaxed and accustomed to you and your dealership. Use the ...


Should a Buyer ask your opinion or evaluation of their trade, do not try to be a fountain of knowledge and give an opinion of the vehicle's value. Should this be unacceptable, it will place doubt, fear, distrust and even a possible argument that will break your line of communication and credibility. Simply say, "Frankly, I could cost you money and myself a sale. Allow me to check your vehicle and get some information for our "Used Car Buyer", then we can both be sure. " Used car guidebooks, as well as finance rate charts, should not be displayed to the Buyer. NEVER LOCK IN PRICES by using these materials.  During the Trade-in Evaluation and driving the buyer's vehicle with the buyer, continue to determine needs in order to find the "Hot Buttons" and motive for their purchase. YOU HAVE THE BUYER IN THEIR "COMFORT ZONE" ELIMINATE FEAR OF LOSS, CREATE HOPE FOR GAIN. ecar sales portal


Your success is based on controlling your buyer, who has been searching for a better price or over-allowance on his/her present vehicle. The Trade-in Evaluation-Step Four, is the effort of the professional sales associate to aid and assist the Buyer in making the decision that these factors don't necessarily mean a better deal. There could be hidden details that have not been exposed to him. It is vital that you as a PROFESSIONAL use this step with the ASSUMPTION the buyer has a trade. Be aware that Buyers will seek a discount without his/her trade only to "SPRING" it on you after securing a deal without his/her trade. The Trade-in Evaluation procedure is designed to slow down the Buyer, as well as the sales associate and assist in fact-finding (Step Two). In addition, it exposes the sales associate to the condition of the Buyer's trade-in, in order to justify the price and trading allowance, better control the Buyer and obtain more information to allow for a bette...